
NPL NPL Norcal

PDP Home Skills Program

Below is an overview of our 2020 Fall PDP home skills training program. The program was set up for the PDP players to complete each block over 3-4 weeks, recording their scores weekly (tracking scores and setting personal goals can help players monitor their progress and development).

Any club, coach or player wishing to replicate this program, can find the instructions, relevant videos, and scoring template at the links below (you may modify the timeline and content as needed).

Block 1

To download scoring template click here

Exercise Video Demo Tech Tips Notes
Technical – Juggling Juggling technical Click Here Record how many times can you juggle without the ball hitting the ground
Physical – Balance on ball Juggling physical   Record how many seconds you stand on ball.
Physical – Dynamic Balance Juggling physical   Record how many times (out of 5 attempts with each foot) you can successfully land on one foot and hold the position for 3-5 seconds, keeping the other foot off the ground
Exercise Video Demo   Notes
Dribbling- Testing Set Up Dribbling technical   8 cones, 2ft apart (use socks if no cones) any surface
Overview of various exercises Dribbling Overview Click Here  
Technical – Dribbling- Inside, inside     Record your time for completing the circuit. (Both Feet) Inside, inside.
Technical – Dribbling- Inside, outside     Record your time for completing the circuit. (Both Feet) Inside, outside.
Technical – Dribbling- Rolling the ball     Record your time for completing the circuit. (Both Feet) Rolling with the sole–both feet.
Technical – Dribbling- Right foot only     Record your time for completing the circuit. Right foot only
Technical – Dribbling- Left foot only     Record your time for completing the circuit. Left foot only
Physical – Dribbling- Different Touches Dribbling Differentiation   Follow the video patterns, no scoring required. Make sure to keep speed of ball & intensity at each cone. Can you feel more comfortable each time? Minimum 10 mins per week

Block 2

To download scoring template click here

Exercise Video Demo Tech Tips Notes
Technical – Level 1Juggling Juggling technical  Click Here Record how many times can you juggle without the ball hitting the ground. This challenge is for those who’s record is below 100. (100 is the PDP benchmark that we expect all players to reach)
Technical- Level 2 Juggling in small area Click Here   Record how many times can you juggle without the ball hitting the ground as you stay inside of a small space on the ground. 1×1 yard (one step)
Technical- 5,4,3,2,1 challenge Click Here   Juggle five times with one foot and five times with the other foot, then juggle four times with one foot and four times with the other foot, then 3, then 2, then 1. It is to be done in a row and if the ball hits the ground or you don’t take the correct touches, then you start over. Record how many times you can successfully complete the challenge in a row.
Physical- Balance (eyes closed) Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Physical – Differentiation Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Exercise Video Demo Technical Tips Notes
Technical- Passing Accuracy Video Demo Click Here Create a line 10 yards away from the 2 foot gate. Pass 5 (stationary) balls through the gate. Record how many successful passes you make (through the gate). If you record 5/5 with both feet in weeks 1 and 2 reduce the distance of the gate to 1 foot for week 3.
Right foot only     Use Right Foot Only.
Left Foot only     Use Left Foot Only.
Technical- Timed Passing Challenge Video Demo   Pass the ball into the wall and through the gate as many times as possible in 30 seconds. 1 touch is ideal, but not mandatory.
Right foot only     Right foot only.
Left Foot only     Left foot only.
Alternate feet     Always pass with the opposite foot you receive with.
Physical- Coordination: Toss ball from one hand to the other while passing against wall. Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Physical- Coordination: Circle ball around waist while passing against wall. Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.


Block 3

To download scoring template click here

Exercise Video Demo Tech Tips Notes
Technical – Level 1 Juggling Juggling technical https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JUVifP2sig8VusZUfKm4E-kAdUIxflyw/view?usp=sharing"}" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px 15px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 300; position: relative; text-align: left !important;">Click Here Record how many times can you juggle without the ball hitting the ground. This challenge is for those who’s record is below 100. (100 is the PDP benchmark that we expect all players to reach)
Technical- Timed Juggling Click Here   Record how many times you can juggle in 30 seconds (using alternate feet)
Technical- 5,4,3,2,1 challenge Click Here   Juggle five times with one foot and five times with the other foot, then juggle four times with one foot and four times with the other foot, then 3, then 2, then 1. It is to be done in a row and if the ball hits the ground or you don’t take the correct touches, then you start over. Record how many times you can successfully complete the challenge in a row.
Advanced Juggling Challenge  Click Here Click Here Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Physical- Balance (eyes closed)  Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Physical – Differentiation  Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Exercise Video Demo Technical Tips Notes
Dribbling (Cryuff)  Click Here   Record how many seconds it takes to complete 4 turns (2 with right and 2 with the left at a cone 8 yards from the starting point.
Ball Manipulation  Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Technical- Timed Passing Challenge Video Demo   Pass the ball into the wall and through the gate as many times as possible in 30 seconds. 1 touch is ideal, but not mandatory. Gate is 4-5 yards away from the wall.
Right foot only     Right foot only.
Left Foot only     Left foot only.
Alternate feet     Always pass with the opposite foot you receive with.
Physical- Coordination: Toss ball from one hand to the other while passing against wall.  Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
Physical- Coordination: Circle ball around waist while passing against wall.  Click Here   No need to record a score. This is for practice only.
      No need to record a score. This is for practice only.


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